Cameroon’s Former Prime Minister Takes Helm at UN General Assembly, Calls for Global Unity

Cameroon’s Former Prime Minister Takes Helm at UN General Assembly, Calls for Global Unity

Cameroon’s Former Prime Minister Takes Helm at UN General Assembly, Calls for Global Unity

By Boniface Ihiasota, USA

In a clarion call to the world’s divided nations, Cameroon’s former Prime Minister, Philemon Yang, yesterday assumed the presidency of the United Nations General Assembly, urging global leaders to unite and tackle pressing issues like climate change, poverty, conflicts, and armed violence.

Yang, who served as prime minister of Cameroon from 2009 to 2019, emphasized the need for international cooperation, stating, “We must demonstrate that international cooperation remains the most effective tool at our disposal for addressing the profound and borderless issues we confront.” His presidency will focus on unity in diversity, with peace and security as top priorities.

The outgoing General Assembly President, Dennis Francis, echoed this sentiment, warning of staggering human suffering worldwide, particularly in conflict zones like Gaza, Haiti, and Ukraine.

He also cautioned that millions face poverty and hunger, with numbers expected to rise by 2030.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stressed the importance of collaboration, noting that the 78th General Assembly session was marked by poverty, inequality, and conflict, but also offered hope for collective action.

Guterres emphasized, “Step by step, solution by solution, we can rebuild trust and faith in one another, and in what we can accomplish through collaboration and solidarity.”

Yang will preside over the upcoming Summit of the Future on September 22-23, aimed at spurring multilateral action on global issues, and the annual global meeting from September 24-30.

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